AI: for good or ill?

I’ve just finished reading a rather fine book on this topic. It’s called AI 2041 and is a book of short stories with accompanying essays on this rather important topic. The authors are Chinese/American experts on the development, future uses and pros/cons of the technology, and as both have held senior management roles with AI development teams in Apple, Microsoft and Google I have a feeling they’re pretty well positioned to write about it with some authority. I’ve written and published a more detailed review of the book, and some thoughts of my own: you’ll find it at the following place:

I’ve always been doubtful about the whole AI technology, and have said as much at various times on our Forum and other posts on this blog, and it’s fair to say that some of those doubts remain. However, reading AI 2041 has moved me away from being what I call an AI Agnostic towards more accurately an AI Sympathiser. Like it or not, the tech is here and being used, so it makes little sense to try and ignore it.

Anyway, I encourage you to jump over to the essay, read it, perhaps buy and read the book (I promise you it will be money well spent!) and make up your own minds…..if you haven’t already done so!


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